Teddy’s Bouquet of Affection
Teddy’s Bouquet of Affection
Discover the enchanting union of innocence and romance with our "Teddy’s Bouquet of Affection," a charming embrace of velvety red roses paired with the soft, comforting touch of a plush teddy bear. This unique arrangement captures the warmth of a hug and the fervor of a dozen roses, all nestled within a clear, modern acrylic box.
With each rose meticulously selected and preserved, the bouquet offers a lush, vibrant centerpiece that endures. The accompanying teddy bear, peeking out from behind the blooms, adds a playful and heartwarming twist, making it an ideal gift for bringing joy and expressing love.
Key Features:
A lush, rounded bouquet of premium preserved red roses
Adorable, plush teddy bear companion nestled within the arrangement
Encased in a sleek acrylic box, protecting its beauty and form
Maintenance-free with lasting freshness and color
Perfect for special occasions, from Valentine's Day to just-because moments